The Julleen label began in 1998 when the founder Julia, started making her friends pearl jewellery with gemstones in sterling silver. With the mantra that “diamonds may be a girl’s best friend but pearls make a girl a woman” the journey began. Bling was a deep seeded passion, from the ripe old age of 4 when Julia remembers admiring some of the family jewels and absconding with all her grandmother’s diamonds for a whole day (all were safely returned) but this unique story proves her long love affair with gemstones. Julia comes from generations of Dutch diamond merchants and cutters. However, it was the amazing luster of nature’s water gems that excited and appealed to the designer to create more and more unique styles, which she loved personally, and which others admired and demanded to buy. The designs became so popular that now around 9,000 items exist within the Julleen catalogue, however many signature styles continue to be manufactured to this day. The new image for Julleen Pearls began in 2009, with the slogan, Julleen Pearl Jewellery Designs …As individual as you! Julleen’s E Boutique was created for the purpose of serving the current fans and clients who wanted the very latest and now is reaching an entirely new audience through the web.