Every now and again I like to add a vintage shot of someone wearing pearls and came across this shot of Tim Curry from the Rocky Horror Show and remembered why I loved it so much. Thought I’d share it with you all today.
Loving the black and white look in pearl jewellery
We do some lovely designs in black and white but this one really is amazing…it’s called Boogie..as it reminds me of action of dance…..and it’s not a piece for the faint hearted. The necklace takes confidence to wear, as it really will be a striking piece for any woman brave enough to wear it. It will spruce up any outfit and will make a hell of a statement.
More images of our black and white favourites
Potato Pearls
Potato Pearls! What were, pearl farmers and merchants thinking, when they gave name to such beautiful gems as pearls. What a shame for such glorious gems to have such a course word a potato! However, it describes, perfectly, the shape of some pearls that are drilled horizontally -O- (being at their longest top to bottom). The chunky white ovals in the first image shows. also potato pearls, but drilled vertically. I prefer to call these ovals.
In fact all the ones you see above are potato pearl…because they are not quite perfectly round. Some absolutely stunning, large pearls look fantastic, just as the are, imperfect. The last two images are shots of perfectly round Broome pearls (the set of perfect 12 mm rounds) and the gorgeous Aqua high grade small 7 mm oval pearls. Some rougher surfaced tiny baby ovals are called rice pearls, but that’s a whole other story for another day. Below are my favourite shot of all time of some of our Pink potato pearls and the lovey necklace Xena with big chunky white pearls and slithers of carved shell chunks with 12 mm black pearls.
Ring resizing
It’s a great experience purchasing a lovely jewellery piece on line, you simply can’t wait for it’s arrival and excitement is just so overwhelming until you get that parcel and open it. Disappointment in receiving what you thought would be exactly the right size in a ring you purchased online (as there was absolutely nothing like it anywhere) and the ring size is wrong, is devastating. As a ring collector I find the easiest way when purchasing a silver ring is to chose a ring with an adjustable band. If this is not possible…I go ahead (because I can) and cut the back of the ring open “Split the Ring” and file the edges down for a smooth finish….so it will not cut into the finger. Then I can wear that ring on any finger I like. When you purchase a ring from Julleen just ask us to do this for you at the check out section online. I will do this free of charge for anyone…as I know what it is like to have a ring that does not fit. This “Split the Ring” method, of course cannot be done with every gemstone ring you buy, but it certainly does help knowing that you can wear any ring you want, when utilizing this very simple method of re- sizing a ring. I made a little video about this but for the benefit of many customers who want to measure their own ring size I have added a little ring chart for you too.
We do a few mabe rings with the expandable band.
Droopy Ear Lobe Fix
Here’s a secret that is spreading around the globe. It’s the Lobe Lift Secret Earring. Not only for lifting a heavy earring but helping with the look of an aging ear lobe that over the years has stretched and is not a pretty sight. There is a way to lift lobes without having to have an operation. And you can do it with an earring back, a very special prop UP bra for the ear lobes. No need, when the condition known as Droopy Lobe Syndrome, is not too servere to have an operation when you can buy a clever little gadget that does it for you every time you wear it. This earring props up the ear lobes, clear and simple.
I will add a video for you to view at the end of this blog, explaining the actual design of the lifter and you get to see it close up. However for now, let’s look at some ears with earrings, with and without the Ear Lobe Lift and get a a better look at the butterfly clip that completely changes the look of a droopy ear lobe. To purchase it just click on the link above. Or the “Online Shop” button at the top left under HOME of this Blog.
This is how the Lobe Lift Earring comes to you. Each set of Lobe Lift “butterfly clips” (earring backs) comes with a Set of Sterling Silver 8 mm Ball Studs. This is our gift to you when you purchase the ear lobe lift.

This last shot shows it can be worn with a drop earring also. See how the Drop Pearl Earring sits firmly and neatly on the ear lobe. It prevents dragging and stretching your ear lobe.
Other articles written about the Lobe Lift Secret Earring for Droopy Ears
Work in Progress with Julleen.com
If you are experiencing some breaks in links in some of our posts on older blogs like Hotfrog or Squidoo, it’s only because we are revamping (julleen.com) during February. It’s a big job and we are working hard to get it finished quickly for you. Meanwhile of course the other stores are there still up and running for your convenience www.julleen.com.au OR www.mybridaljewellery.com and www.mybridaljewellery.com.au OR www.pearlearrring.com.au
All too complicated?…just click the “ONLINE SHOP” button above (top Left)
Liz And La Peregrina. Jewellery That Lasts, Please.
I saw a discussion on another blog I love FOF I’ve been a member for a long time now. It was all about Liz Taylor and her jewels. Of course the most famous and my absolute fave was La Peregrina the over 50 ct pearl which is over 500 years old. Liz was given this in 1967 for Valentine’s Day by Richard Burton and was bought for a record at the time $37,000. It sold at auction for 11.8 million just last year. This woman had a good eye for jewellery and knew that good pieces will last for may generations. Although I love the modern day jewellery, some is cheap and nasty and bought, just to gain affect for an outfit, I can’t help but try to make jewellery that lasts the distance and more than a lifetime. I would like to think that many years after I have gone, Julleen designer pearl jewellery will be out there somewhere owned by someone who will cherish their much loved piece, for their lifetime and will continue to hand it down to the next generation. Jewellery should be “made to last” and last longer than the wearers themselves.
here’s a little write up I did on our own Blue Heaven Necklace with Liz wearing the La Peregrina and what I wrote on FOF this morning…
Liz! What a woman! She had an incredible “eye” for good Jewelry. She always said that the museum collectors’ pieces, like my fave, the pearl worn by Queen Mary, La Peregrina, were hers only as their carer, because jewelry would last several life times, as proven by this pearl with a 500 year history.
Take a look at something very special a necklace I believe is a must have!
a look at an article for La Peregrina
New Julleen.com site still under construction
It’s getting very exciting to see the progression of the new Julleen.com site. We all working at warp speed to produce a superior website and E Boutique, for everyone to enjoy. We want to apologies for any inconveniences to your shopping experience but we still have our other stores ready and waiting to take your orders. Will keep everyone informed along the way. Meanwhile two more lovely Amethyst earrings for you. See both at My Bridal Jewellery

Off with the old and on with the new.
Our streamlining has begun. The Year of the snake certainly is making things change quickly…almost like everyone is tossing off the old (skin) and “ON” with the new. Here here! On 20th February the old Julleen Pearl Jewellery site comes down. It’s the end of an era folks and the beginning of a brand new look for us. We’ve totally upgraded our now lovely Pearl Earring site and our Pearls Jewellery Online Blog. We now are linking all our websites to the one E store. This will save lots of time and work for us and will be of great benefit to our amazingly loyal customers and followers.
You will notice the difference immediately, I’m sure, and I for one, am really excited. We just ask you for a little patience as we join our web and network on julleen.com.
Watch out for more new ideas as the year progresses. We are negotiating a collaboration with another really groovy Perth Jewellery Designer and introduce a new line of wire jewellery by our friend Megan Rede. This will satisfy all the brides and gals out there wanting cluster pearl necklaces as well as serving our clients who still want our signature quality designs.
A year of co operation and renewal. SSSS $$$$$$
Still on amethysts
The beauty of amethysts is admired by many. It is the stone for February and the gemstone for sun sign Aquarius and also of the planet Neptune and Jupiter. (Partly one of the reasons these regal stones are in many of Julleen Pearl Jewellery Designs.. as I am an Aquarian). For many years our annual donation of two Jewellery Sets, auctioned at the fundraiser for the Juvenile Diabetes (Jelly Baby Ball) here in Perth, included one set in amethyst. Not surprisingly, this set always raised the most on the night. The rich purple shades of amethyst are by far the most popular colour but do come in others such as blue, green, lilac and mauve. Did you know that Amethyst crystals and gemstones will stimulate your imagination.
As a healing stone Amethyst is remarkable. It’s good for curing headaches and known to help with insomnia (to be worn or even placed under the pillow at night) for a restful sleep and known to be used for those who suffer from nightmares. Instinctively I put a large amethyst crystal next to my desk and I use it as a background feature in many images of Julleen Jewellery. ( Note the Dragon Fly brooch).