Comfort is important for many of us these days. Being comfortable with yourself is just as important …however… there is nothing like a trip to the hairdresser for a fresh haircut and colour to lift your spirits just as the cold weather sets in…and that’s exactly what I did today and recorded it for prosperity with a quick snap shot at my desk…am not used to showing an image of myself without eye make up….but I felt comfortable enough to capture it and then share it on my Facebook page so why not in my little blog. As I am writing this… I realize I too..that I have had my earrings on all day without feeling any pain or a need to take them can’t see them as well as in the 2nd picture….but they ARE there…and I’m really proud of myself that what I preach …is what I actually DO! I am also so pleased I made a video for you all… a while back …describing the best way to put on a clip on earring and have it stay THIS comfortable for the entire day … here’s the link to view it. I hope you enjoy it.
Pearls baby! What a fabulous image taken by one of my favourite photographers Ashley Jacobson from I SHOOT PPL Photography in Las Vegas. Had to share this with you.
Here are some long necklaces you might like to get the look.
With almost 3.5 million unique users visiting the site every month, Hotfrog is quickly becoming the business tool of choice for small-to-medium sized businesses across Australia. Perth-based label, Julleen Pearl Jewellery Designs is one such company effectively utilising Hotfrog and experiencing increased success as a result. Director and designer Julia Ray has been with Hotfrog since it was first established in 2005 and now, six years on, credits a staggering 90 percent of the label’s online sales leads made through Hotfrog referrals.
Julleen Pearl Jewellery Designs is a company born out of a passion for pearls. Following a decade in Indonesia, Julia developed an interest in jewellery making which, thanks to the support from her admiring friends, quickly gave her the confidence to expand her love of pearls beyond a hobby. She began selling her own unique sterling silver and pearl designs to the likes of Duty Free Indonesia and as a result of her success overseas Julia was able to establish her label, Julleen Pearl Jewellery Designs, locally upon her return to Perth in 2000.
With the wholesale side of the business growing steadily, Julia needed to incorporate a consumer focus into the business plan in order to maintain steady growth across a broader market. To do so, Julia recognised that Julleen Pearl Jewellery Designs needed its own identity as a brand. Noticing the growing popularity of online shopping sites, Julia established her very own e-boutique and with the help of her son’s design-savvy friend, created a more professional image and re-launched the new look label online, making it accessible and appealing to the wider online consumer market. Having never explored the possibilities of an online business — and with minimal funds — Julia needed to source marketing tools that would suit her needs.
Upon searching for free online business listings in 2005, Julia stumbled upon Hotfrog and within a few days, Pearl Jewellery Designs was listed and a long-standing relationship with Hotfrog as the chosen service to help market her business was established. As both companies have grown, so has the ability for Julia to update her Hotfrog profile at no cost, a feature which she says has allowed her to utilise the service as more than just an online listing, becoming a second website for her business. “Online marketing is a learning experience, you try something new, you monitor the reaction and either do it again or tailor it to make it work better”, says Julia.
With 90 per cent of all online business leads generated through Hotfrog, Julia is open about how much Hotfrog has contributed to her business success. “Hotfrog has been very rewarding and has opened so many doors for my business.” Being online has allowed Julleen Pearl Jewellery Designs to extend its client-reach beyond Western Australian borders and as far as the UK where she is now beginning to establish a small following. As a result of the growing business’ success, Julia, just this weekend, launched her new label Julleen Bridal, at Perth’s premier bridal exhibition, where her new label was the sponsor of the fashion stage and where she christened her new bridal E boutique called My Bridal Jewellery, and Hotfrog as always, is her first port of call. “Hotfrog is a very powerful tool for internet marketing…I recommend it to everyone and anyone who is starting their own business.
Thanks to the encouragement from last weekend’s sale and due to popular demand a new 20% sale, on any product in the E Boutique begins today. This time you need to use your coupon code 20offtoday
There is no minimum purchase and every piece is reduced. You need only add your coupon code at checkout. All is secure as before and am sure you’ll have a wonderful time purchasing things from your wish list. Last chance before Mother’s Day to add something for yourself too.