I have to constantly check the input by others’ comments on my blog here. The spammers are not the least bit original. All they seem to enter is silly wording and invites, asking if I would like to copy wording/articles from some google site or another. The thing is, copying in any form, is not what I do and truly not what I want to ever be doing. In what sort of world are we living that copying is okay? In the real world copying is punishable. The internet seems to be the place where copying is totally acceptable. In my my own creative world of making pearl jewellery and blogging about it, I like to set trends, I like to create my own designs and I like to write articles in my own words in my blog. Making my own designer jewellery is a very fulfilling experience and I really love creating my own articles in my own words. For any artistic project you have to be inspired and the word “creating” in my books, means “making something from one’s own hands and from one’s own images seen through one’s own eyes”. Here’s a Julleen pink pearl jewellery set, I visualized and went about making. I’ve never seen it elsewhere, as I created it from conception to marketing it. I call it the Pink Musk Pearl Jewellery Set.