Who doesn’t like amethysts. Some of the most beautiful gems on earth are amethyst. I love working with them. The richer the purple hue the better I like it.
I found these in my favourite Pakistiani gem merchants’ in Indonesia. You have to be a long standing client to even be allowed to enter. There are armed guards at the entrances and it’s here that I always like to go when looking for top quality stones. Going there is quite an experience for me as the walls are filled with cabinets and drawers that are filled to the brim with gems! It’s sheer heaven for me.
Today I added a set of emerald cut amethyst earrings that are individually bezil set, to the Julleen E-Tail store, and I wanted to share their beauty with you.
Every now and again we get requests for a shorter style necklace that is not the usual plain string of pearls. Most people like sterling silver and I often use substanial amounts to section of each pearl or cluster of pearls to set them apart – you know- let them shine!
Here are some of the current ones I have on Etsy that may appeal.
How can a pearl jewellery video be labeled as COULD BE INAPPROPRIATE. Today I am hopping mad about something that seems to be wrong with the You Tube decision makers. A three year old video on my You Tube Julleen1 Channel is marked as COULD BE inappropriate. Surely this short and hopefully helpful video is not only entertaining but informative. Most certainly not the least bit dangerous or containing inappropriate language for a child to watch or anyone really.
I think there is something very wrong with the You Tube filtering and labeling system, if just one viewer, can tag a DISLIKE, to a perfectly innocent video and then that video, can be negatively labelled. This is a jewelllery info video and is not one of a head being chopped off or anything of a sexual nature and is all my own content. This video is about Droopy Ear Lobes and about showing people how I can help with this problem by introducing a product I have made. A simple little jewellery item that helps prop up the ear or a drooping earring. Judge for yourselves. PLEASE HELP ME GET THIS LABEL REMOVED BY CLICKING LIKE on my You Tube video on my Julleen1 channel.
Ear Lobe Lift
Here’s what I have writen on my Facebook page for My Bridal Jewellery
PLEASE HELP me sort this out. YouTube has just decided to tag the above video as “Could be inappropriate”. One DISLIKE!..it seems…on my video can cause it to be labelled. I’ve checked the criteria listed by You Tube that could deem it to be “inappropriate” but nothing fits. Can FREE SPEECH cause this action? Please support me by clicking “LIKE” on this video after you’ve seen it….on my YouTube channel. Let’s see if we can grab the attention of the decision makers and get this label removed
I made this necklace for a Beach Themed Wedding and thought it was worth sharing. I’ve just added some of these designs to my Etsy Shop – Julleen Jewels. The necklace is made entirely of organic components, which the bride insisted on at the time. I liked adding the natural rope braid instead of leather. Rope just made it feel ..well…more beachy! See if you agree.
I have to constantly check the input by others’ comments on my blog here. The spammers are not the least bit original. All they seem to enter is silly wording and invites, asking if I would like to copy wording/articles from some google site or another. The thing is, copying in any form, is not what I do and truly not what I want to ever be doing. In what sort of world are we living that copying is okay? In the real world copying is punishable. The internet seems to be the place where copying is totally acceptable. In my my own creative world of making pearl jewellery and blogging about it, I like to set trends, I like to create my own designs and I like to write articles in my own words in my blog. Making my own designer jewellery is a very fulfilling experience and I really love creating my own articles in my own words. For any artistic project you have to be inspired and the word “creating” in my books, means “making something from one’s own hands and from one’s own images seen through one’s own eyes”. Here’s a Julleen pink pearl jewellery set, I visualized and went about making. I’ve never seen it elsewhere, as I created it from conception to marketing it. I call it the Pink Musk Pearl Jewellery Set.
With Love in the air on this very special day for couples and wanna be couples, I just couldn’t help but think how wonderful life is when you’re in-love. For couples of any age, this is the day, that like no other, has romance in the air. Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone. May all your wishes come true and may your special someone be close to you for as long as you both shall live.
I’ve been wanting to update my vintage coral necklace for quite some time. I’ve been experiencing a sort of artistic block of late (could be due to the holiday season) and sometimes creating a little something for yourself can start the creative juices flowing once again! Realistically as a designer of pearl jewellery for over 16 years, with over 5,000 designs clocked up, it surprises even me, how ideas just continue to pop into my head. However with all the right components laid out in front of my work bench, I am able to visualize a new project in my head and just start threading. If it’s not quite right I take the beads off and replace them with another pattern and keep doing this until voila! the ideal combination presents itself. Not so with this beauty. I knew exactly what to do with this one. I managed to create something really special today. Here I have used extra large chunky white oval ringed pearls, vintage coral beads and 14 ct gold ball spacers (looking a bit battered..I might add..but gold can gain character over the years and who wouldn’t reuse their old gold spacers). I loved it do much I thought I’d share my new Coral and Pearl Necklace with you today.
After a good break from making jewellery I found it quite a struggle to get into it again and particularly to create something that will go with orange. Orange is my new fave colour right now. After three attempts I finally got the blend of colours, textures, shapes and sizes and the balance (very important) just right……me thinks! Thought I’d share my amber necklace creation with you today. It’s 47″ and so quite a long piece. There’s a lovely amber pendant necklace on Etsy that I made which I think is pretty special. Take a peek at it and browse my little boutique there. You may find some good pieces at very good prices there – https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/205250551/amber-and-pearl-necklace?ref=shop_home_active_6
If you are interested in Amber I found a good reference link which has some interesting info on Amber’s origins and lists it’s healing properties of this lovely gemstone. Amber clears the mind and gives us peace. No wonder it has been worn as a talisman for centuries. http://www.healing-crystals-for-you.com/amber-gem-stone.html
I am proud of this collection that Mariko in South Perth will be showcasing just before the festive season launches. I’ve made lots of champagne and creams and pink with everyones’ favourite basic white pearl necklaces which aren’t so basic. The theme was luscious substantial and glamorous…see if you agree.