Comfort is important for many of us these days. Being comfortable with yourself is just as important …however… there is nothing like a trip to the hairdresser for a fresh haircut and colour to lift your spirits just as the cold weather sets in…and that’s exactly what I did today and recorded it for prosperity with a quick snap shot at my desk…am not used to showing an image of myself without eye make up….but I felt comfortable enough to capture it and then share it on my Facebook page so why not in my little blog. As I am writing this… I realize I too..that I have had my earrings on all day without feeling any pain or a need to take them can’t see them as well as in the 2nd picture….but they ARE there…and I’m really proud of myself that what I preach …is what I actually DO! I am also so pleased I made a video for you all… a while back …describing the best way to put on a clip on earring and have it stay THIS comfortable for the entire day … here’s the link to view it. I hope you enjoy it.