Thank goodness some of us are chopping off those dreary and tired looking long hair styles and opting for short hair. What is wonderful about short hair is, it accentuates the face and makes you look awake , smart and sharp and dare I say…younger. Summer time is the best to go for it….as it makes us feel so much cooler. I am all for it.. as I just chopped off all my locks and am loving my new look. And what’s more, my pearl earrings look spectacular! What I love, as a jewellery designer, is how stunning long earrings look with cropped hair… just amazing!
I saw Jennifer Lawrence on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart recently (what a scream she is…and I just love that show btw). Apparently so many people were alarmed at Jennifer (who stars in the Hunger Games – Catching Fire) who had recently chopped off her long straggly locks …it was actually trending on twitter! Shock Horror…a girl… “game” enough (sorry about that) to wear a short hair do.

Here I show some magic cuts that appeal to me. And look out for woman wearing long dangling earrings with these short cuts. Love it.