It’s getting very exciting to see the progression of the new site. We all working at warp speed to produce a superior website and E Boutique, for everyone to enjoy. We want to apologies for any inconveniences to your shopping experience but we still have our other stores ready and waiting to take your orders. Will keep everyone informed along the way. Meanwhile two more lovely Amethyst earrings for you. See both at My Bridal Jewellery
I wrote a little article many years ago..and after being asked about the type of pearl we use in the Marissa Peacock Blue earring..I thought I’d like to share it
The mabe or blister pearl is an ancient method of pearl harvesting. The stunning effect created, looks like half a huge pearl. However it is a blister created by the oyster with the help of man (cultured pearling). To form a Mabe or blister pearl, a small base usually a dome or in some instances, tiny figures like the little Buddhas seen below, are placed delicately on the shell of the oyster or muscle or mollusk, rather than within the flesh, as with most spherical pearls. The irritation acts exactly the same as that of the creation of solid pearl. The intruder soon gathers nacre in many layers, (pearl surface). The created nacre looks like a blister. The blisters are painstakingly removed and again delicately placed over a resin support. This cultured pearl dome or Buddha is then backed with a mother of pearl sheath. Voila the Mabe is BORN!
Amounts or weight of sterling silver used in any one pearl earring can shed a light on the amount being asked, for the item, yet in these hard economic times, “the value for money” is getting the “genuine article” for the smallest amount possible. Hard on makers and designers but great for the consumer. Using less and getting more is the mantra for makers now. Compare the thinness or the thickness of the hook of the earring alone, this could (previously) show immediately the generosity of the maker for their products. A good close up picture for the item says it all. Nothing to hide there. A sterling silver and pearl earring can contain a very thin hook (usually with “imported” items) yet still be sterling silver and still have a high price tag. Yet a designer pearl earring from a small jewellery operator can be far more generous and precious and have much more sterling silver “weight” to their pearl and sterling silver earring. The battle continues for quality over cheap and nasty, yet price seems to be the winner.
The missing ingredient for pearl earring purchasers on line is that it is not tangible, and it must solely rely on images to sell the product. Pearls and indeed all jewellery has always been a “touchy- feely” thing, no more, now there is eBay. When you can see great quality from the outset with heavier weights of silver content in each design, then there you will have a winning combination. Here are examples of designer jewellery pearl earrings with sterling silver (using very generous weights of sterling silver and pearl in their products and are starting at remarkably low prices, as they must compete with the imports and copies.
Wanting some gorgeous Julleen designer earrings for incredible prices? visit us on Ebay! We are clearing some discontinued earrings that are pretty lovely, for amazing starting bids to get you in the mood.We now offer two ways of postage. Our Star treatment with Julleen packaging and via Express Post with tracking for $15 or regular no fuss post for $3 in a plain padded envelope. If that doesn’t get you happy to shop we don’t know what will. See you there! (top one below sold out!)
Sterling Silver White Pearl Earringsterling silver and pear earring